Nicaragua Alto de Jinotega COOMULFAC SHG EP Organic Fair Trade

Sale price Price $16.25 Regular price Unit price  per 

Members of Cooperativa Multifuncional Family Coffee (COOMULFAC) own small farms with just a few acres of coffee production.  Small enough that each producer uses their own micro-mill to carefully harvest, sort and then depulp, ferment, wash and pre-dry coffee at the farm. Then COOMULFAC producers deliver coffee to J&M Family Coffee where drying is completed and the coffee is stored and later prepared for export. J&M Family Coffee ensures quality control and traceability from farm to export so producers earn better income to reinvest in their farms and strengthen their families’ livelihoods.  

Central American coffees may use the term EP (European Prep) to indicate screen size (15-18), in addition to SHB (Strictly Hard Bean), SHG (Strictly High Grown), or HG (High Grown) to refer to the highest grade of coffee based solely on elevation.

A complex, medium bodies citrusy coffee, with hints or raisins and cocoa. A lot of body and finishes with a caramel aftertaste. Also available in Dark Roast.

Variety: Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon, Catimor, and Marogogype
Altitude: 980-1400 meters 
Soil: Clay minerals
Process: Fully washed and dried in the sun and guardiolas
Certifications: Fair Trade (FT /USA), Organic