Mexico Altura HG EP

Sale price Price $14.50 Regular price Unit price  per 

Sourced from the southern states of Chiapas and Oaxaca, this Mexican coffee is light and smooth, with notes of bittersweet cocoa and light floral highlights. Velvety smooth body with low acidity.

Central American coffees may use the term EP (European Prep) to indicate screen size (15-18), in addition to SHB (Strictly Hard Bean), SHG (Strictly High Grown), or HG (High Grown) to refer to the highest grade of coffee based solely on elevation.

Variety: Typica, Criollo, Bourbon, Mundo Novo, and Caturra
Altitude: 900 – 1000 meters
Soil: Clay minerals
Process: Fully washed and dried in the sun and mechanical driers (guardiolas)